October 16, 2021

Naturalistic observation

      1. What is naturalistic observation? How does a researcher collect data when conducting naturalistic observation research? 2. Why are the data in naturalistic […]
October 16, 2021

The functionalist view of social stratification

      Describe the functionalist view of social stratification, and the conflict theory’s view of social stratification. Then take a pro or con position on […]
October 16, 2021

Genetic Discrimination

      What Is Genetic Discrimination, And How Can It Affect Us? For your individual presentation, you will need to make 8-10 slide in which […]
October 16, 2021

Mass media and socialization process

    Do you think the mass media significantly contributes to the socialization process? When answering this question be sure to identify and describe the major […]
October 16, 2021

Different “social selves”

  Do people adjust their behavior and presentation of the self to affect the opinion of others? Would you say that we have different “social selves” […]
October 16, 2021

Parenting Dynamics – The Family Crucible – Brice Family

  Theres a book (The Family Crucible) but i have found alot of info on the internet with this essay. need help getting it together with […]
October 16, 2021

Use of Group Designs in Program Evaluation

  Group programs are common in social work. Just as with other types of programs, social workers must understand the options available to them and know […]
October 16, 2021

History of cognitive psychology.

    Describe the history of cognitive psychology. Explain how and why psychometric studies are used to study cognitive psychology. Discuss the benefits of research in […]
October 16, 2021

Sociological imagination

  What does it mean to have a “sociological imagination?” How does this relate to what Mills refers to as private troubles and public issues? Share […]
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