October 2, 2021

Economic question

    . Illustrates the market for pizza is characterized by a downward-sloping demand curve and an upward-sloping supply curve. [1.5 Marks] a.Draw the competitive market […]
October 2, 2021

Photography as an Art

  Do You consider Photography as an Art Form? Discuss in a paragraph
October 2, 2021

Offending Patterns

  Discussion post: What are some factors that contribute to changing a criminal’s “trajectory” in their life course, or offending patterns?    
September 30, 2021


      Identify the symptoms of bureausclerosis that are the most costly and debilitating for your organization. Identify the elements of your organization’s management model […]
September 30, 2021

Marketplace Game

    This writing assignment asks you to reflect on the Conscious Capitalism Marketplace Business Game Simulation. Address the prompt with a letter to the Board […]
September 30, 2021

Gaining control of sub Sahara African

  How did European countries gain control of sub Sahara African ‘s economic and political system ?
September 30, 2021

Surrogate motherhood for pay.

    Discuss your opinion on permitting surrogate motherhood for pay. Are there any circumstances in which surrogate motherhood would be beneficial to individuals and/or society? […]
September 30, 2021

The NPR audio/reading

    1. According to the NPR audio/reading, the case of Toby Groves is supposed to show how “we are all capable of behaving profoundly unethically […]
September 30, 2021

León and Herscher argument

  A) How do León and Herscher argue that all colonial nation-states use grids and boundaries in a similar way? Choose one example from the León […]
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