September 26, 2021

Sexually moral.

  file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/Kant-DutyTowardstheBodyinRespectofSexualImpulse.pdf “Kant and Sade hold different views of what is sexually moral. Choose an example of a sexual act and explain whether it is moral […]
September 26, 2021

This I Believe book review

  Write a review (or reflection) of the book This I Believe. In it, you will cite one or two of the essays, and either the […]
September 26, 2021

Reality Therapy (Choice Theory)

  Write an 8-10 page essay on Reality Therapy (Choice Theory). APA style.  
September 26, 2021

U.S Constitution

  The readings will be from this website: Read the “Common Interpretations” for each of the following Amendments: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 10th, 14th PLUS any […]
September 26, 2021

Gun ownership

    1. Watch the following video: 2. Answer the following questions: a. Based on what you have read and viewed, explain if gun ownership […]
September 26, 2021

In Money We Trust? Money Book Analysis

  Prior to beginning work on this assignment, Watch the 1-hour documentary, Read Chapters 1 through 6 of Money: How the Destruction of the […]
September 26, 2021

Real-world case surrounding an interaction with the police

  In two pages, reflect on a recent real-world case surrounding an interaction with the police that was covered in the media. How did the coverage […]
September 26, 2021

Philosophical reflection essay

  DIRECTIONS: As reported in Plato’s account The Apology, Socrates famously claimed at his trial that “The unexamined life is not worth living.” In this course, […]
September 26, 2021

When the federal government grew.

  Still today, one of the major policy debates within our country is over the size of the federal government. In two to three pages, identify […]
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