April 1, 2023

            Explain the reasons why there have been calls to repeal or reform mandatory minimum sentencing laws. Based on your findings, […]
April 1, 2023

Creating “First Responder Courts”

          Is there a need to create “First Responder Courts” given that many first responders, including those in law enforcement and corrections, […]
April 1, 2023

Evaluating Top Candidates

            Before you interview people you feel fit the job qualification, you must determine the criteria should you use while conducting […]
April 1, 2023

The components used to calculate synergy value.

        List and describe the components used to calculate synergy value. Critically evaluate which component is most underestimated. Explain your answer. Using the […]
April 1, 2023

Benefits of completing a high- quality thesis or dissertation.

              Graduate professors like to insist that the completion of thesis or dissertation research is not merely an “academic exercise” […]
April 1, 2023

The benefits of attending national code hearings

            Using the internet as well as professional journals, articles and other academically recognized sources, discuss the following in this week’s […]
March 31, 2023

Problems related to research design

              Describe two different problems related to research design that are commonly encountered when doing research and for each explain […]
March 31, 2023

The quality and adequacy of a literature review

          While reading a literature review written by a novice researcher in your field, you notice that the researcher seems to have […]
March 31, 2023

Cognitive performance-enhancing drugs (CNS stimulants)

            Should cognitive performance-enhancing drugs (CNS stimulants) be used by “healthy” people? Why or why not? What could be the benefits/downsides/risks? […]
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