May 12, 2021

Leadership and Authority

    Write a journal entry of 1,500 words on the subject of authority, including the following: Practicum Activities Reflection: Provide your observations and thoughts on […]
May 11, 2021

Ethical issues related to policing.

  We discussed several ethical issues related to policing in this course. Some examples include police corruption and bribes, use of deadly force, racial profiling, etc. […]
May 11, 2021

History questions

  a.What was the relative role of structural and agentive causes in the 1989 revolutions across Central and Eastern Europe? b.Why were young people central to […]
May 11, 2021

Economics questions

a.Did the collapse of Communist regimes in 1989 lead to an actual decline in living standards in early 1990s in Central and Eastern Europe – or […]
May 11, 2021


      Is crypto future of our currency? / Should cryptocurrency be our main form of currency?   Locate and closely read two subjective articles(arguments) […]
May 11, 2021

Social forces that can affect the seemingly private act of suicide.

  Textbook: Sociology in Our Times The Essentials 11E Diana Kendall. The textbook readings Weeks 1 and 2 explore social forces that can affect the seemingly […]
May 11, 2021

Statistical Psychology Lab

  You will need to use “JASP” it is an online website that allows you to plug in variables to conduct statistical analysis’. This paper NEEDS […]
May 11, 2021

Jewish culture and the culture of others

  Examining the types of clientele they might find particularly challenging, stimulating, and beneficial to work with due to their own background, values, and relationship style, […]
May 11, 2021

Child abuse in the US

  How common is child abuse in the US A research topic about how common child abuse is in the US. You must use the poem […]
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