March 9, 2023

Elections in Texas

          Some states are, or are in the process of, enforcing strict voter ID laws. These are aimed at decreasing voter fraud; […]
March 9, 2023

Dividing Power between States and the United States

        Discuss Pros and Cons of Unitary Government Superiority of Unitary Systems Comparing Systems of Government Distribution of Power in Governments. (n.d.). Cengage […]
March 9, 2023

Understanding the U.S. Constitution

            How did the U.S. Constitution come to be written? What compromises were needed to ensure the ratification that made it […]
March 9, 2023

The “ruling class”

                Do you believe that the “ruling class” (decide for yourself who these people may be) unfairly passes laws […]
March 9, 2023

Comparative analysis of two films

          Write a four-page paper responding to the following: – compare the two films, King of Kings (1961) and The Greatest Story […]
March 8, 2023

“Ethical Aspects of Sustainability”

          “Ethical Aspects of Sustainability” by Bruce Jennings, he defines our moral responsibility to natural resources and the climate crisis in this […]
March 8, 2023

Cooperative Federalism

   After completing your readings on Federalism, post a comment on one or all of these questions. In contrast to […]
March 8, 2023

Role of technology in increasing the power and reach of presidents

          “What role has technology played in increasing the power and reach of presidents?” Provide a detailed explanation of your answer using […]
March 8, 2023

Core values and beliefs led to the American Revolution

              What core values and beliefs led to the American Revolution and the writing of the Articles of Confederation? How […]
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