February 28, 2023

Evaluating personnel

          Evaluating personnel can be difficult in the criminal justice system. An employee interacts with both internal and external individuals, so their […]
February 28, 2023

How research has been used in the criminal justice system.

                Give two recent examples of how research has been used in the criminal justice system. Analyze the effects […]
February 28, 2023

The logic of statistical significance

            Explain in your own words the logic of statistical significance and give an example to illustrate your answer.    
February 28, 2023

Criminal rights

        The United States offers those accused of committing a crime several rights. These rights consist of the right to counsel, the right […]
February 28, 2023

The “CSI effect,”

            Explain the “CSI effect,” and how it does and does not affect court operations and court actors. What are the […]
February 28, 2023

The three justice components

            Do the three justice components (police, courts, and corrections) constitute a true system or are they more appropriately described as […]
February 28, 2023

The experience of a trial

                Watch the video   The experience of a trial can be particularly challenging for crime victims. In one […]
February 28, 2023

The relationship between race and the criminal justice system.

          Introduce the relationship between race and the criminal justice system. Be sure to include a brief history and examples of significant […]
February 28, 2023

High correctional populations

          What factors contribute to high correctional populations? What impact do drug laws have on them? Name and describe at least four […]
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