January 16, 2023

Typology, Victim Selection, and Investigation

        The “Unabomber,” The “Zodiac Killer,” and the “BTK Killer” were all serial killers who remained at large for a long time. The […]
January 16, 2023

A contemporary nonviolent social movement.

        Describe a contemporary nonviolent social movement. What does this movement seek to change? Compare this movement’s approach to MLK’s four steps. Would […]
January 16, 2023

The eight-step ethical decision-making model

        Imagine you are a therapist living in the not-so-distant future. A moral bio-enhancement pill called Moralzac is currently in clinical trials to […]
January 15, 2023

Partisanship in the Congress

        Reflect on partisanship in the Congress and discuss the proper role of the minority party in each house of the Congress. Is […]
January 15, 2023

Interest groups and democracy.

  Reflect on interest groups and democracy. Discuss whether interest groups magnify the power of individuals to influence government and public policy or if they are […]
January 15, 2023

A coalition government

          What are the advantages and disadvantages of a coalition government? Do you think that the United States would benefit from having […]
January 15, 2023

The effects of pluralism

    What are the effects of pluralism? Why might groups concerned with the environment, women’s issues, or other concerns have an easier time being heard […]
January 15, 2023

Political institutions

    How are political institutions formed? What influences do they bring on political systems? Discuss different political institutions and what they contribute or detract from […]
January 15, 2023

The developmental state model

      In what ways is the Chinese case a good example of the developmental state model? In what ways, China’s development is similar and/or […]
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