December 20, 2022

How the communication from leadership might be improved.

    In your responses to your peers, provide recommendations for how the communication from leadership might be improved. How might you use some of the […]
December 20, 2022

Adult learning principles and theory.

    Reflect on your experience in designing a course using adult learning principles and theory. what do you wish you had done differently? What do […]
December 20, 2022

Social media as a channel for the promotional mix

        What is social media as a channel for the promotional mix? How would a company determine the most effective social media venues […]
December 20, 2022

The concept of “enlarged conversation”

        How would you explain the concept of “enlarged conversation” to someone in your own words? Why do you feel public speaking is […]
December 20, 2022

The pros and cons of an employer participating in the OSHA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)

        Present the pros and cons of an employer participating in the OSHA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) or the Star Program. Based on […]
December 20, 2022

Police criminal investigation agencies (state or local).

    Search the internet for five police criminal investigation agencies (state or local). List and describe the criminal investigation responsibilities those agencies have for criminal […]
December 20, 2022

Safety and health programs in the United States.

    Choose three organizations that you believe have had the greatest impact on the current state of safety and health programs in the United States. […]
December 20, 2022

Obtaining a safety and health certification.

          Explain the benefits that may result from obtaining a safety and health certification. Discuss which certification you believe would be the […]
December 20, 2022

Periods of prenatal development.

        Describe the three periods of prenatal development. Why is the second stage the most dangerous for the developing child?
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