July 30, 2022

Race and the death penalty

        African Americans comprise approximately 13% of the population of the United States yet nearly half (50%) of the incarcerated population is African […]
July 30, 2022

A concise and comprehensive statement

      Post a concise and comprehensive statement noting who or what source is informng your experience or position (cite & reference). In your response, […]
July 30, 2022

Gender-based biases in the criminal justice system

        Think of three gender-based biases that have existed or currently exist in the criminal justice system (for example, specific laws, sentence length, […]
July 30, 2022

Computer crime

    1. What are the biggest problems facing the criminal justice system in the area of computer crime? 2. How can the criminal justice system […]
July 30, 2022

Feminist criminology

        In the history of feminist criminology, distinguish among the following: liberal feminists; Marxist feminists; radical feminists. How have these three overwhelmingly “white” […]
July 30, 2022

Combating sex trafficking by organized crime groups.

          Some of the primary goals of crime analysis are to assist law enforcement in criminal apprehension, crime mapping, crime prevention, and […]
July 30, 2022

Routine Activities Theory

        Discuss Routine Activities Theory as it relates to residential burglaries, and then identify and describe 3 target-hardening strategies that can be used […]
July 30, 2022

An educational issue you are invested in researching.

          Reflect on an educational issue you are invested in researching. Think about your early, K-12 and higher educational experiences. Then, pick […]
July 30, 2022

The lottery by Shirley Jackson

    Explain the original purpose of the lottery? What do the people believe it does for them? What is the significance of Tessie’s final scream, […]
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