March 21, 2022

A cloud disaster recovery service.

      Research a cloud disaster recovery service. Some disaster recovery services include: Amazon CloudEndure Azure Site Recovery Druva Cloud DR Zerto Veeam Availability Suite […]
March 21, 2022

Clouds for business

    Why should businesses consider the cloud and for what parts of their business? How can the cloud help small businesses? Is data more secure […]
March 21, 2022

The importance of embracing technology throughout history

        You have learned about the importance of embracing technology throughout history and will be asked to use PowerPoint in your assignment presentation. […]
March 21, 2022

The various change management models.

          Compare and contrast the various change management models. Provide a brief overview of your comparison. Which models have you seen implemented […]
March 21, 2022

The importance of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)

          Assess the importance of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) when an employer provides benefits of any kind. Classify two […]
March 21, 2022

“corporate entrepreneurship”

        Discuss whether the term “corporate entrepreneurship” is an oxymoron. Can corporations—especially large ones—be innovative? Support your answer with examples. Use the Internet […]
March 21, 2022

The Montana Wrongful Discharge from Employment Act

      Briefly describe what the Montana Wrongful Discharge from Employment Act (WDEA) is. What do you see as benefits of this act to employees? […]
March 21, 2022

Constructive discharge

        Address your understanding of the term constructive discharge—what is it? Then, identify factors courts might focus on to determine if constructive discharge […]
March 21, 2022

The importance of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)

          Assess the importance of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) when an employer provides benefits of any kind. Classify two […]
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