January 29, 2023

Fred Lee – “Patient Satisfaction or Patient Experience ?”

  Step 1: Watch the following video and take notes. After watching the video respond to the following question in the discussion board. What is YOUR […]
January 29, 2023

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): A hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): A hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work to be carried out by the project team to accomplish the project objectives […]
January 30, 2023

Suffering from low profitability

  What is the most likely thing that an agricultural producer who is suffering from low profitability (low return on investment over an extended time period) […]
January 30, 2023

Agricultural land values

What do you think will happen to agricultural land values in the near future in a region you are familiar with, and why?    
January 30, 2023

Farmers or ranchers financially in in the next few years

  How do you think farmers or ranchers will come out financially in in the next few years? What factors will positively and negatively influence farm […]
January 30, 2023

Negative factors influenced Agricultural industry financial performance

  What factors have negatively influenced Agricultural industry financial performance in a region you are familiar with over the past year or so?
January 31, 2023

NP practice resource on NYSED

  Read the NP practice resource on NYSED (New York State Education Department) and post the answer to the question on Blackboard. RESPONSE MUST BE IN […]
February 1, 2023

Using classroom

  .4teachers.org create a “center” either take a picture of your finished product, create and submit a pdf or scan in your work. Classroom Floor PlanLinks […]
February 1, 2023

Significant restructuring of the workforce

    Mergers often require a significant restructuring of the workforce. There are many challenges to HR professionals as well as employees. If you have been […]