July 8, 2020

Art appreciation

These three amazing structures come from three different time periods and cultures. Yet there are many similarities between the three structures. After viewing the videos and […]
July 9, 2020

Using the term “sex” to refer to the biological aspects of being male or female

Describe two reasons why it may be problematic to use the term “sex” to refer to the biological aspects of being male or female and “gender” […]
July 10, 2020

A scholar–practitioner

How would you define a scholar–practitioner? As a scholar–practitioner, why is it important to engage in extensive research? Discuss fully As a leader in US federal […]
July 13, 2020

Formal Elements

For this Discussion you will choose a work of art from Chapter 4. In this discussion you will describe that work of art to your classmates. […]
July 14, 2020

World Currency

Select an idea/invention related to science and technology from early modern period (beginning 1650) to the present day: CURRENCY Think outside of the box for this. […]
July 14, 2020

Analysis of an art piece at a museum

A formal analysis is a purely visual description of one work of art irrespective of cultural context,history, or artistic motivation. This is not to say that […]
July 16, 2020

A comparison of compositional differences

In the following space discuss which Elements and Principles were used by Goya to make a more emotionally charged, powerful work than the other two illustrations. […]
July 18, 2020

The play; “How can you deny it”

Outline the characters and events that created the beginning, middle and end of the play you chose for your monologue. monologue link:Oleanna by David Mamet ​A.Link […]
July 19, 2020

“The Pedestrian”

Address ONE of the following questions in your initial response before addressing the posts of your classmates. “The Pedestrian”: In what ways does the city in […]