January 28, 2020

Infant Toys

January 29, 2020

Who owns yoga

January 29, 2020

Banners novice to expert theory

January 29, 2020

Graphic Design

February 5, 2020

How to distinguish between the outsider and insider artists

distinguishing between outsiders and insider artists, the rejection of outsider art, and if outsiders are in or out of the world
February 7, 2020

Appliance Warehouse – Application Implementation

Create a 3-page document (to submit in Blackboard) to support the Appliance Warehouse Service Plan that includes the following: Testing Plan: Create a testing plan to […]
February 7, 2020

Renaissance art

How did the renaissance art change the way people see art today.
February 11, 2020

The arts and culture editor at The Columbus Dispatch

The arts and culture editor at The Columbus Dispatch has invited you, as an OSU student, to write an op-ed article for their website about the […]
February 13, 2020

Clustering problem

Imagine a Clustering problem where the educational researchers would like to find clusters of students (group of students) who have similar correlation patterns when it comes […]