September 19, 2023

Mitochondrial DNA as the Mother of Human Species

  Write a 1000 words, regarding your perception of the documentary ( Mitochondrial DNA as the Mother of Human Species).   Documentaries are listed below: Youtube […]
September 20, 2023

Is abortion morally wrong

  Abortion is one of the most difficult and controversial moral issues we will consider. Listen to both sides, even if it is difficult to do. […]
September 20, 2023

The effect of substance use in an adolescent’s social norms.

1. Describe the effect of substance use in an adolescent’s social norms. 2. Explain a possible abuse strategy of substance users. 3. Describe three specific strategies […]
September 20, 2023

The future screening for Substance Use Disorders (SUD)

  1. How do you see yourself in the future screening for Substance Use Disorders (SUD)? 2. Name one Substance Use Disorder (SUD) screening that can […]
September 21, 2023

How treatment, prevention and social support for chronic illness changed over time

  How has treatment, prevention and social support for chronic illness changed over time? Provide a specific example. What suggestions would you provide for continued changes?
September 21, 2023

PowerPoint presentation on a personality disorder.

      Develop a PowerPoint presentation on a personality disorder. Students will be randomly selected to participate in groups of three. Create a case study […]
September 22, 2023

Congestive heart failure (CHF)

          A 41-year-old obese male patient is diagnosed with congestive heart failure (CHF). He is told to begin a moderate exercise routine […]
September 22, 2023

Psychotic disorders

  1. Psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia involve both positive and negative symptoms. Explain what positive symptoms are. What does it mean that the symptom is […]
September 24, 2023

Anxiety Disorders and Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders

        choose a movie(As Good As it Gets) on the schedule of topics(Anxiety Disorders and Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders). The student will […]