November 14, 2022

Unemployment & Underemployment

Write a Research paper on Unemployment and Underemployment
November 14, 2022

The Fairness of Standardized Testing in Lower Income Schools

          Research Question: Do students who come from lower income families score higher or lower on standardized tests? Explain how you will […]
November 15, 2022

Marketing Management

  Discuss two areas of price sensitivity for your hypothetical business and how each of these could potentially affect consumer adoption of this product or service. […]
November 15, 2022

Money in the Economy

  Review this brief introductory video which provides a high level overview of the Fed and how it influences the money market. Submit a 4- to […]
November 15, 2022

To what extent is entrepreneurship a driver of new job creation?

  Annotated bibliography of four academic papers/books which I consider the most important academic sources for answering your essay question. The annotated bibliography has a maximum […]
November 19, 2022

Creating higher levels of employment among workers in the US.

      Assume that you are the president of the US, and you have the tools necessary to create higher levels of employment among workers […]
November 19, 2022

A higher savings rate

          Explain why a higher savings rate generates both positive and negative impacts on steady-state consumption per worker in the Solow growth […]
November 19, 2022

The Solow growth model

          To face the impact of the pandemic the government has been forced to raise the deficit to very high level. Use […]
November 19, 2022

Mining Industry

        Provide research two discussion questions for other people to respond. Research and information will be on the mining industry; pose a meaningful […]