June 23, 2023

The causes of economic underdevelopment, and unequal distribution of wealth among states.

          International Relations scholars appear to disagree on the causes of economic underdevelopment, and unequal distribution of wealth among states. Neo-Marxist scholars […]
June 27, 2023

U.S. moving to a universal healthcare system

  Make a case for or against the U.S. moving to a universal healthcare system. (Select what you see as that system and then project its […]
June 29, 2023

Marginal cost as it relates to decision making.

          We recently discussed marginal cost as it relates to decision making. We also discussed the four market structures as they relate […]
June 29, 2023

The Economics of Social Security

            Read the Special Topic 2, pages 419 through 428 of Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice. Using the Economics of Social […]
July 7, 2023


  Read the following article: The Use of Standards and Prices for Protection of the Environment, by William J. Baumol and Wallace E. Oates Source: The […]
July 7, 2023

Protectionist approach

          Should America encourage free trade with its trading partners or seek a more protectionist approach? Take a stand on this issue. […]
July 8, 2023

Double counting

        What is double counting and why must it be avoided when measuring GDP? How do statisticians avoid the problem? Provide examples and […]
July 9, 2023

Macroeconomic variables on business environment.

          In general the vitality of a firm is closely dependent on the health of the overall economy. A growing economy and […]
July 9, 2023

Price-wage rigidity

        Classical economists believe that prices and quantities adjust to the changes in the forces of supply and demand and that the economy […]