September 9, 2022

The 5C’s framework from The Market Analysis

Use the 5C’s framework from The Market Analysis Section on “Note on The Marketing Process” to briefly describe Moviepass business (one or two lines per C […]
September 9, 2022

Moviepass profitable at the customer level

  How profitable do you think Moviepass was (at the time of the interview) at the customer level?
September 9, 2022

The McKinsey article

According to the McKinsey article, what is the customer decision journey? What is the difference with the traditional purchase funnel?  
September 9, 2022

Customer decision journey model

For which products/businesses you think this customer decision journey model fits well? For which one it does not fit well?
September 9, 2022

Customer decision journey proposed by McKinsey

What do you think about the customer decision journey proposed by McKinsey? Why would such a model be useful for companies? Is there something missing in […]
September 10, 2022

hero’s journey

  Write an essay discussion feedback about hero’s journey  
September 12, 2022

Borrowing an item

Write 200-300 words in response to the following prompt: Think about your previous experiences with reading, writing, and storytelling. As a child, did you have a […]
September 12, 2022

Long life learning

Write an essay about informing the world about longlife learning, and how it helps
September 12, 2022

The better or worse Memoir

    Write a memoir by choosing an event that has shaped your life (for the better or worse).