May 2, 2023

The poet and statesman Solon

    Prompt 1: Upon learning that the poet and statesman Solon was tasked with drafting a set of laws for Athens, the Scythian philosopher Anacharsis […]
May 2, 2023

The Raines Law of 1896

Prompt 2: The Raines Law of 1896 was intended to combat alcoholism and drunkenness, and many now see it as a foreshadowing of the National Prohibition […]
May 2, 2023

“What it means to be good”

  Five paragraph essay on the themes of justice and, “What it means to be good” in the novel, “King Lear.”  
May 2, 2023

Gun control does not prevent Violence

  write a 2500 words long research paper that uses academic sources to explore a question on Gun control does not prevent Violence, articulate an informed […]
May 3, 2023

Opposition in Globalizing California

  Read the following sections of Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Golden Gulag: Prisons, Surplus, Crisis, and Opposition in Globalizing California: Prologue: The Bus (p. 1-4); Chapter 1: […]
May 3, 2023

Why is dating so horrific?

  Out of these topics pick three to analyze: – Movie:  “500 Days of Summer” directed by Marc Webb – Movie:  “Midsommar” directed by Ari Aster […]
May 5, 2023

The Armistice of WWI

  How Did the Armistice of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles pave the way to WWI
May 6, 2023

Professional Ethics

    This assignment is made up of multiple parts and should be completed in multiple sittings. It is recommended that you complete the following assignment […]
May 6, 2023

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

  Write a research essay on the novel you have selected. This assignment should be at least 6 pages not including the Works Cited page. Your […]