May 6, 2023

Homework Is Good

Write an argumentative essay about Homework Is Good. 12 point Times new Roman font double-spaced, Four paragraph essay.  
May 6, 2023

Meditation upon a Broomstick

    [Description] Read Jonathan Swift’s essay “Meditation upon a Broomstick” (file in Canvas); then write a meditation one on of the following objects: AA battery, […]
May 6, 2023

World Cinema

  [Definition] Watch a few of the short films (“World Cinema.” “Darkness,” “Absurda,” “I Travelled 9000 km to Give It to You,” “Movie Night”) featured in […]
May 6, 2023

Consider the Lobster

  [Definition] Read David Foster Wallace’s essay “Consider the Lobster”; then consider another animal whose companionship, presence, death, etc. is taken for granted. Why is the […]
May 6, 2023


  [Classification-Division] Read H.L. Mencken’s essay “Types of Men” (file in Canvas). Then add two more types to Mencken’s list. (The list includes, The Romantic, The […]
May 7, 2023

Change regarding the use of child labor

Essay arguing for change regarding the use of child labor  
May 7, 2023

Social media and primary teens

    The effect social media has had on social media (primary teens) This essay should be well researched, and include FIVE outside sources, at least […]
May 7, 2023

A wolf in a sheep’s skin

Desccribe a creative writing on A wolf in a sheep’s skin
May 8, 2023

Freedom of speech vs censorship

  Write an argumentative essay about censorship and freedom of speech use 3 sources and cite