July 12, 2021

The 1915 film Birth of a Nation

  In this paper you must answer the following question: does the 1915 film Birth of a Nation offer a Lost Cause interpretation of the Civil […]
July 17, 2021

Film response about movie Warrendale 1967 Allen King

  1.Identify two or three key aesthetic elements of the film (aspects of sound, cinematography, editing, or narrative structure). First, describe the element(s) as precisely as […]
July 18, 2021

Review of a video

  Watch the video below and then respond in 4 paragraphs – 1 paragraph for each question) You can use the book preview as the book: […]
July 20, 2021

Food presentation in Lost in Translation versus Daisies

  How is food represented differently in Lost in Translation versus Daisies? Consider shot position, shot type, narrative context, its role in the narrative, and its […]
July 28, 2021

Shining Mountains

  Shining Mountains Video available at: https://www.nfb.ca/film/on_the_edge (also available on YouTube: first 48 minutes of Shining Mountains: On the Edge Episode 3) 1. What rationales do […]
August 23, 2021

Film comarison

    First, you can either choose to compare and contrast the films: (Group 1) Roma (Mexico) and City of God (Brazil) or (Group 2) 20th […]
August 23, 2021

Critical analysis of a film

  Choose one of the films screened in class between Feb 24th and Mar. 26th inclusive and write a critical analysis. Your analysis should include reference […]
August 24, 2021

Emotional Intelligence of TV Characters

    Based on what you’ve read about emotional intelligence (EQ), try to diagnose some characters from your favorite TV show. What aspects of EQ from […]
August 27, 2021

Film and “Tangerine” Movie

  LGBTQIA character is Ellen DeGeneres from the Ellen show. 2. A response to this week’s film screening “Tangerine” and Ryan’s lecture. Your response must address […]