May 6, 2020

Corporate Governance

1: Facebook Live Killings Due Week 4 and worth 240 points Read the article “Cleveland Shooting Highlights Facebook’s Responsibility in Policing Depraved Videos” located at […]
May 14, 2020

Case Study – Western Australia Local Government

The City of Mandurah is a popular retirement destination for many West Australians; favoured for its coastal lifestyle it has seen the population double in the […]
May 15, 2020

Crimes by the Government

Who were the main players in the Watergate Affair? Where are they now? Look at both Nixon-affiliated people and those charged with the investigation or prosecution, […]
May 18, 2020

The pros and cons of the federal, state, and local government

Discuss the pros and cons of the federal, state, and local government funding human service programs. Should they continue to do so, or should it be […]
May 28, 2020

The Supreme Court is A Tremendously powerful body Of Government

The Supreme Court is A Tremendously powerful body Of Government it Is Commonly referred to as the court of last resort and also guardians of the […]
May 29, 2020

American President and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

  What are the similarities and differences between the powers of the American President and the Prine Minister of the United Kingdom? How does the power […]
June 16, 2020

US Government: Incentives Confronted by the Politician

Instructions: Read a passage taken from a US Government class textbook, and write an essay (3-4 paragraphs) on one of the prompts after the passage. US […]
July 4, 2020


Application of Risk Assessment to improve the security is one of the critical security management functions. Among those activities related with this critical security management function […]
July 20, 2020

American Government

  Choose one form of government: state or local government (county or city). Introduce your chosen government to the class, describe its structure, including its branches, […]