June 29, 2020

American History since 1877

From New Era to Great Depression 1920-1932. Answer the following question: According to Coolidge, Niebuhr, Evans, Garvey, and the mothers, what were the major divisions in […]
June 29, 2020

Politics in American system

The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution reflected different visions of governance in the new United States. In an essay, describe the powers of the states […]
June 30, 2020

The History of AIG

Read through the following overview of a history of AIG and decisions that led to outcomes associated with the recent financial crisis, government bailouts and corporate […]
July 2, 2020

Civil War

  To what degree was the Civil War a second American revolution? Consider how the war reshaped society, politics, and the economy. 2- Why were politicians […]
July 2, 2020

The Great Depression

Discuss at least 4 factors that lead to the Great Depression and discuss its impact on working class  families (i.e. European Americans).
July 2, 2020

Declaration of Independence

Write in paragraphs, not bulleted lists. Questions What are the primary elements or components of the document? What were the main purposes for the writing and […]
July 2, 2020

The myth of military necessity

Identify and analyze the “myth of military necessity” in relation to the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II?
July 3, 2020

The history of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Description You are a specialist in the history of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and have been asked to advise Secretary of State. The Secretary State is […]
July 6, 2020

Case study on women in colonial America

Women in Colonial America Pick two colonies (New England, Middle, or Southern colonies) and explain how women’s roles differ in the two colonies of your choice. […]