May 2, 2021

“American expansion from 1800 to 1848

    “American expansion from 1800 to 1848 certainly benefited the nation, but came at a very high cost.” Defend, modify, or reject this statement. Be […]
May 3, 2021

American History

    Discuss American races and the relations to the thugs of California.  
May 4, 2021

High Renaissance influence

    How did High Renaissance artists influence the style and iconography of artworks and monuments produced during the Late Renaissance and Baroque periods? Consider how […]
May 4, 2021

“Jefferson – Race

  Referring to the reading posted “Jefferson – Race” answer the following (In case you are wondering, it is the very same president – Jefferson- who […]
May 6, 2021

US History | Opinionated Question

    Answer in 2-3 paragraphs. Make sure to give as detailed of an answer as possible. Early United States history can seem boring and irrelevant […]
May 8, 2021

Women’s History

    A) How did the various changes that occurred over the course of the medieval and early modern periods (for example, social, economic, cultural, religious, […]
May 8, 2021

America Since 1865

    This essay will focus on documents 1 (Herbert Hoover, pp. 222-23) and 4 (Franklin Roosevelt, pp. 227-28) in chapter eight of Major Problems in […]
May 8, 2021

History write-up

      Option A: The were more than marauders, although they did rape, pillage, and plunder parts of Europe and strike fear into the […]
May 8, 2021

History questions

  Why did the Bracero Program make it difficult to organize farm workers into a union? How did Cesar Chaves differ from many of the Latino […]