February 20, 2023

International legal regime

  With the aid of statutory provisions and decided cases, critically analyze the international legal regime governing liability of carriage of goods by sea. Task: Your […]
February 25, 2023

Advise the potential claimants

    Phil is driving his son Don to school. He is running late. He gets 5 minutes down the road and remembers that Don has […]
February 27, 2023

Court judgments

            Are court judgments more enforceable than arbitration awards for disputes between businesses in different countries? Are arbitration awards of international […]
February 27, 2023

Breach of privacy

              The plaintiff’s physician received a release of information from the plaintiff to an insurance company following the plaintiff’s application […]
February 27, 2023

Are there too many laws?

Write a research paper on Are there too many laws?    
February 28, 2023

The three justice components

            Do the three justice components (police, courts, and corrections) constitute a true system or are they more appropriately described as […]
March 2, 2023

The importance of the Commerce Clause and the jurisdictional power

              It is common knowledge that under the American system of federalism, police power gives the states the responsibility for […]
March 5, 2023

Seamons v. Snow.

Read and brief Seamons v. Snow. Additionally, answer the following questions: Should a 16- or 17-year-old high school football player alleged to have committed an act […]
March 6, 2023

Expressive versus instrumental offenses

Write a 200-250 words, William Chambliss talked about expressive versus instrumental offenses. First define each type of offense, and then explain which type of offense is […]