March 25, 2021

History of scripting languages

      Turn in a research essay highlighting the history of scripting languages . You can choose to focus on JavaScript in particular or summarize […]
May 9, 2021

Language law in the U.S.?

    Instructional Objectives for this activity: Analyze importance of language in the U.S. 1. How do you feel about the idea of a ‘language law’? […]
May 9, 2021


    In 2,500 words, give a critical appraisal of the Chomskyan approach to language and its study. While you can approach this in the way […]
May 16, 2021


    Use the following five deduction rules (conjunction introduction, two sub rules of conjunction elimination, modus ponens, and universal instantiation) to produce proofs that the […]
May 24, 2021

Raciolinguistic Ideology

    The goal to this paper is to engage deeply and thoroughly with the readings in order to critically reflect on you own and others’ […]
August 3, 2021

The origins of vernacular language

  The goal of this assignment is to research and report on the origins of vernacular language, and its spread while also providing evidence of Latin’s […]
October 21, 2021

Taboo language

  Imagine that you have been sent to the newly discovered planet of Utabootopia that is inhabited by a population of humans. After learning how to […]
November 1, 2021

The distinction between the symbolic and semiotic in language

  file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/Critical_Theory_Today_A_User-Friendly_Guide_—-_(4_Feminist_criticism).pdf Based on the distinction between the symbolic and semiotic in language discussed in the Feminist Criticism chapter and with reference to our discussion of […]
November 10, 2021

Evolution of language

    You have recently started working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You have always had a passion for communication and technology, […]