March 21, 2023

54 divisions in the APA

      There are 54 divisions in the APA. Division 15 is Educational Psychology, Division 2 is the Society for the Teaching of Psychology and […]
March 21, 2023

Reliabilty and Validity of DASS-21

  Critique of the instrument (Dass-21) Historical aspects of the development of DASS-21 Procedures involved in the generation of scores from the instrument. published validity data […]
March 31, 2023

Sudying psychology benefit me professionally

  How can studying psychology benefit me professionally in the medical field? On a personal level, we all develop in similar yet unique ways as individuals. […]
April 14, 2023

AA program described in an 1995 study

Describe the highlights of the survey that attracted your attention. How was the AA program described in an 1995 study?
April 15, 2023


What are Microaggressions and how they affect people
April 24, 2023

List of nonverbal behaviors

  First, identify a list of nonverbal behaviors that indicate positive interaction on a first date or a job interview. Second, identify nonverbal behaviors that indicate […]
April 29, 2023

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

  The purpose of this assignment is to (1) learn about a related area within family conflict and the law; (2) enhance skills to conduct a […]
May 15, 2023

At the mercy of your emotions your brain creates

Write a 3-page reflection paper on Feldman Barret, L. (2017, December). You aren’t at the mercy of your emotions your brain creates them [Video file]. Retrieved […]
May 29, 2023

Becoming a cash only private practice

  What are some important things to consider before becoming a cash only private practice? Simple question, however, please use peer-reviewed or scholarlysources when answering this […]