As a first step, identify one or two of your organization’s major competitors. Then, make sure your SWOT Analysis includes each of the following:
Step 1: Strengths
Identify three examples of what your organization (or product or service) does better than (or at least equivalent to) the competition. These could include:
Specific product attribute advantage.
Brand perceived value.
Company’s customer service.
Step 2: Weaknesses
Identify three examples of weaknesses inside your organization (or products or services) that impact your ability to compete in the health care market. These could include:
Patient safety.
Lack of board-certified specialists.
Shortage of nurses.
Step 3: Opportunities
Identify three examples of opportunities inside your organization from a standpoint of competing with other health care organizations. These could include:
Magnet status.
Telehealth services.
E-check-in prior to arrival.
Step 4: Threats
Identify three examples of events that could threaten the organization’s (or product or service’s) standing in the market. These might include:
New competitor entry.
Major product failure.
Reduction in promotional spending.
Customer changes.
Changes in the market.
Step 1: Strengths
Identify three examples of what your organization (or product or service) does better than (or at least equivalent to) the competition.
Step 2: Weaknesses
Identify three examples of weaknesses inside your organization (or products or services) that impact your ability to compete in the health care market.
Step 3: Opportunities
Identify three examples of opportunities inside your organization from a standpoint of competing with other health care organizations.
Step 4: Threats
Identify three examples of events that could threaten the organization’s (or product or service’s) standing in the market.
By conducting a SWOT analysis, you can identify your organization‘s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This information can help you to develop strategies to improve your organization’s competitiveness and achieve your goals.