November 9, 2020

Apprehension of criminals.

  You are investigating a gang-related carjacking. You have the description of the vehicle and also a description of the suspects. Vehicle information: 1999 green-colored 4-door […]
November 12, 2020

Security Threat Analysis

    Do additional research to identify ways to limit security threats. Then write a 2- to 3-page analysis of the identity scenario by answering the […]
November 13, 2020

Criminal organization and the person(s)

When you read this week’s module, there are several examples of organized crime and public corruption within the government. For your discussion this week you will […]
November 15, 2020

The broken windows theory of policing

  Briefly describe the broken windows theory of policing, Describe the concepts of POP and COP, Compare and Contrast POP and COP, and Briefly discuss some […]
November 16, 2020

How a cell is like a nation or factory

  It is to be 2000 words in addition to drawings/images. The theme of the essay is to compare how a cell is like a nation […]
November 17, 2020

The Sony Hack (PLG1)

    In your submission, answer the following questions: Given these definitions, it is hard to see that North Korea’s action qualify as either cyber war […]
November 17, 2020

Statistics in Criminal Justice

    SPSS Example: You are interested in whether number of days of poor physical health per month (PHYSHLTH) differs between white and non-white respondents (RACEBINARY). […]
November 23, 2020

Police brutality

    Has police brutality escalated since 2010? Write: In your paper, Analyze findings from research on political behavior. Explain how your findings were determined. Explicate […]
November 24, 2020

Sex crimes.

  Using proper APA format in at least 450 words, briefly list and provide an overview of a few of the different types of sex crimes. […]