March 18, 2022

Ethics in Correctional Institutions

Chapter 8 in your text explores the ethical dilemmas faced by prison officials within the U.S. corrections system. For this discussion, evaluate the ethical issues involved […]
March 25, 2022

Ethical implications in both the workplace and society

  What ethical implications in both the workplace and society present themselves for certain current and emerging technologies, and how can they be addressed?
March 27, 2022

What makes a good code of ethics

  What makes a good code of ethics and how can organizations take steps to ensure employees understand the code?
March 29, 2022

Unethical behavior in social media.

      Identify an example of unethical behavior in social media. The behavior may be on the part of a celebrity, politician, or organization. Referencing […]
March 30, 2022

Solving an ethical dilemma

        The purpose of this discussion assignment is to reflect upon your beliefs about what is good by discussing how you would resolve […]
March 31, 2022

Ethical decisions

  Ethical decisions are based largely on intuitions we have about the nature of morality. For some of us, intuition might tell us that the consequences […]
April 4, 2022

Abortion being Illegal

      Use two substantive ethical theories (utilitarianism and virtue ethics) to analyze an ethical issue Give the details for two competing ethical theory, how […]
April 8, 2022

A Crime of Insanity Transcript

  Please watch the video (or read the transcript) and answer the following questions about the documentary. A Crime of Insanity Transcript: to an external […]
April 10, 2022

The sentimentalist approach to ethics proffered by Hume, Smith

      1) What distinguishes right from wrong, reason or the passions? Compare the moral philosophies of Kant and Hume in answering this question. Is […]
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