February 24, 2020

Kantian Ethics

After briefly summarizing Kantian ethics (a minimum of 100 words), answer the following questions in three to five sentences each: 1. What are the strengths and […]
February 25, 2020

ethical issue regarding the impact of engineering

Identify an ethical issue regarding the impact of engineering on contemporary society and develop a 3000-word argumentative research paper addressing the issue.
February 29, 2020

How attitudes are changed through persuasion

Description Explain how attitudes are changed through persuasion and describe how attitudes and behavior influence one another please be sure to use at least three scholar […]
March 1, 2020

Bird theory

Compose a brief 300-500-word rhetorical analysis of the ethos and logos in the lyrics of a song of your choice. Choose a song with lyrics that […]
March 2, 2020

Analyzing an Ethical Decision

  Analyze salient ethical issues in psychiatric mental health practice Compare ethical dilemmas with state health laws and regulations Analyze ethical decision-making processes
March 5, 2020

Social responsibility, company ethics and company culture of Nestlé Nespresso

  Compare and contrast Nespresso with it’s parent company Nestle in the same areas to see similarities and differences on the subjects of social responsibility, company […]
March 7, 2020

“Feminist Ethics” by Alison M. Jaggar

  Write a short, objective summary of 250-500 words which summarizes the main ideas being put forward by the author in this selection. About this topic […]
March 8, 2020

Ethical Decision Making in Corrections

Watch the video below and discuss how you would handle this situation. Provide a rationale for your response. CJ in Practice: Ethical Decision Making in Corrections
March 9, 2020

Fundamental differences between the public and private sectors that influence how human resources are managed in these sectors

Description 1. What are some fundamental differences between the public and private sectors that influence how human resources are managed in these sectors? 2. Recruitment Practices […]