November 16, 2019

Scavenger Hunt 3

December 6, 2019

Third Cinema

January 30, 2020

Avatar Movie – based on your own comparison of the agreements and disagreements

February 2, 2020

A movie Maria Candelaria

Choose a scene in María Candelaría, and analyze how cinematic techniques such as angles, shots, sound, etc. help to create your understanding of an important dimension […]
February 5, 2020

“Boyz in the Hood” movie analysis

1.How do the different families depicted handle poverty and other environmental stress? 2.Do you think the age/sex of the children affected how they reacted to stress? […]
February 6, 2020

Movie Analysis

Rent, view and write a three or four page review of one of the following films. Your review should include the following: 1. A brief plot […]
February 11, 2020

Prejudice and Discrimination, and Movie Crash 2004

discuss the role that prejudice and discrimination played in the various relationships in the movie Crash (2004, Paul Haggis is the director). For your initial post, […]
February 12, 2020

Leadership traits Billy Beane display in the movie MONEY BALL

1. What leadership traits did Billy Beane display which developed the team? (from the movie MONEYBALL)
March 7, 2020

The move “Split (2016)”

  Discuss 3 psychological theories related to the movie. Explaining the movie as well