February 28, 2023

Making a Child Borderline-Secret Motivations of the Mother

  Exlpore what, if any, secret movitations mothers have for creating children who are diagnosed with Borderline and Histrionic PD as adults. To be able to […]
March 1, 2023

Lifespan Development Reflection

  Write a one-page reflection paper of your learning throughout the lifespan development course. Include the following in your reflection: • Expand on 5 key points […]
March 1, 2023

The psychopharmacologic treatments

            As a psychiatric nurse practitioner, you will likely encounter patients who suffer from various mental health disorders. Not surprisingly, ensuring […]
March 2, 2023

Addiction and stress

              People who are not experiencing high levels of stress may be able to use drugs without becoming addicted and […]
March 2, 2023

Scientific and social definitions of drugs.

            Discuss the differences between scientific and social definitions of drugs. What possible factors go into society’s creating categories for drugs […]
March 4, 2023

Using Cognitive behavioral therapy in treatment of suicidality in veterans

            A. Introduction The introduction articulates the issue and/or question and its relevance to social work. You must be specific about […]
March 4, 2023

Sexual assault, dating violence, and bystander intervention.

            Review the Learning Resources on sexual assault, dating violence, and bystander intervention. Focus on the theories of bystander intervention described […]
March 4, 2023

Hypnosis as a psychological therapy.

          Look into hypnosis as a psychological therapy. Find at least two sources explaining what hypnosis is. Answer the following question: · […]
March 4, 2023

Rivera family case study

Build upon your case presentation from Week 6. Incorporate what you have learned about grief, loss, and trauma. Think about and discuss the ways in which […]