November 15, 2022

The concept of jihad

    How is the concept of jihad related to the Five Pillars of Islam? In your answer be sure to discuss the greater and lesser […]
November 18, 2022

What happened in the Maccabean revolt?

    Copy and paste the questions to be part of your paper and to clearly demarcate the questions you are answering. Q1:  Review the two […]
November 25, 2022

World religion similarities between Christianity and other world religions

  a world religion will consider the similarities between Christianity and other world religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Mormonism, Islam, Baha’i, Judaism, or Taoism. It will […]
January 13, 2023

Servant Leadership in Diverse Contexts

  The purpose of this assignment is to examine servant leadership practices with regard to religions and cultures other than those associated with Christianity. While servant […]
February 7, 2023

Hypostyle mosque was designed to support Islamic religious practices

  Discuss the way in which a hypostyle mosque was designed to support Islamic religious practices. What features in the mosque are significant for how the […]
February 7, 2023

Hypostyle mosque was designed to support Islamic religious practices

Discuss the way in which a hypostyle mosque was designed to support Islamic religious practices. What features in the mosque are significant for how the space […]
February 14, 2023

Reality of Hell

  I​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​magine that you have a friend who does not believe in hell. Your friend believes that a loving God would never send someone to a […]
February 15, 2023

Jesus was a Jew”

1. What is the significance of the statement, “Jesus was a Jew”? 2. In what ways did the early disciples of Jesus assume that they were […]
March 19, 2023

Jewish identity is about survival.

Write a letter (dear…..) arguing that Jewish identity is about survival. elaborate an argument to sustain your position