January 2, 2023

A person-focused pay plan.

        Thinking about your current job or a job you previously held, discuss whether you believe that you personally would benefit from a […]
January 5, 2023

Advancements in technology in regards to recruitment.

There are many advancements in technology in regards to recruitment. Evaluate the many different technological tools used to recruit. Select five of these tools and explain […]
January 5, 2023

Benefits designed for employees

      How are benefits designed for employees? Explain the types of benefits that are offered by employers. Should all employers have to offer benefits? […]
January 5, 2023

Choosing an LMS for an organization

      Choosing an LMS for an organization can be a daunting experience. Many variables need to be taken into account when weighing all the […]
January 8, 2023

Unemployment compensation

      If an employee voluntarily quits his job, may the employee collect unemployment compensation? Suppose Hector is ordered by his boss to commit an […]
January 9, 2023

Interview communication skills

    At some point, most people will be interviewed for a job position. Many people will also be the interviewer, helping their company find the […]
January 9, 2023

Employment history.

    Reflect on your employment history. Were there times you felt you did not receive the pay you felt you were entitled? Perhaps you did […]
January 9, 2023

Ethics in the HR profession.

    The Director of Human Resources at Green Branch Coffee was impressed with the first part of your executive report on ethics in the HR […]
January 9, 2023

Types of organization structures advantages and disadvantages

Organizations differ in terms of structure, the products and/or services offered and customers. a. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of two types of organization structures, including […]