April 14, 2020

Effective human resource manager characteristics

Discuss the three effective human resource manager characteristics in enterprise (for example,such as Excellent communication skills ,patient.
April 15, 2020

Confidence intervals

Describe how you could use confidence intervals to help make a decision in your current job, a past job,  or life situation. Include a description of […]
April 16, 2020

The traditional, national and the international manager

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 14 in your text and https://hbr.org/2016/10/the-attributes-of-an-effective-global-leader Identifying and developing global leaders is a key concern for […]
April 17, 2020

Difference between Developing and training employees

  Developing employees is different than training employees, though human resource functions often tend to group these activities together. Training and development are not always mutually […]
April 17, 2020

Human resource manager’s role in a career development program

  What is the human resource manager’s role in a career development program? What is the manager’s role in a career development program? Who is primarily […]
April 17, 2020

Diference between performance management system and annual performance appraisal event

  Describe how a performance management system is different from an annual performance appraisal event. What makes it more effective? What happens when the entire process […]
April 18, 2020

Tough Conversations

Imagine you are the HR manager at a company, and a female employee came to you upset because she felt a male coworker was creating a […]
April 18, 2020

Professionalism and Emotional Intelligence

Give a 20-minute presentation on Professionalism and Emotional Intelligence (Objective: Demonstrate professionalism and understanding of professionalism)
April 18, 2020

Evaluating client satisfaction

You have been selected by your nonprofit agency to evaluate client satisfaction with various clinical  services. The agency serves approximately 2,000 clients. How would you go […]