June 10, 2020

Apple vs samsung

Apple iPads continue to be successful. The Samsung Galaxy Tab is one (1) of iPad’s competitors. Use the Internet and Strayer Library to research the advantages […]
June 10, 2020

Role of Integrated Marketing Communications

Context: Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is a comprehensive way to look at an organization’s marketing programs. It starts with the customer’s point of view and marketers […]
June 17, 2020

“Green marketing”

“Green marketing” has not yet proved its value as a strong marketing strategy. In some cases, offering a “green” product or alternative has worked to increase […]
June 17, 2020

“Selling to Children

  The Marketing of Cool,” by Juliet B. Schor (197-206) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Explain what constitutes “cool” in children’s advertising, according to Schor. How has “street” culture […]
June 23, 2020


GitHub is a hosting service for projects that use Git. Git is a revision control system tool that manages source code history. You can store project […]
June 23, 2020

External environmental factor that impacts marketing plans

A prime example of an external environmental factor that impacts marketing plans is the covid 19. Before that we could consider the trade war between the […]
June 23, 2020


I need help with this discussion marketing assignment, please see the instruction below for details and importantly answer the below questions: Here the link to commercial: […]
June 24, 2020

Corporations operating in centralized or decentralized fashions

What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with corporations operating in centralized or decentralized fashions? class textbook Parnell, J. A. (2017). Strategic management: theory and practice […]
June 25, 2020

Digital marketing/Digital Consumer Behavior

A typical research focus would be an exploration, testing, or identification of drivers/motivators related to above topics within a managerial, consumer, b2b, b2c, or c2c context […]